Monday, December 25, 2023

What is Love -

Sitting here in solitude this early Christmas morning. Rain drizzle outside, soft glow of the tree. Old dog curled up by my side. The years slip by. Memories seem like distant times and yet offer more clarity to the story of the way we are. Where there lacks peace , I find understanding. For my part I should have done patience better.I should have understood love better. In my youth, the present things took me by surprise and reactions were quicker and impulsive. Time is a gift, really. I'm looking ahead to the person I still want to become. More introspective. Life has already given me so much to learn from. People have revealed their own hearts. I can make peace with myself even if they are not peaceable or wiling to look into themselves. I can be patient with those who are still young and don't know about the battle of reactions, of being taken by surprise, and of impulse. I will guard my heart from abuse, manipulation and exploitation. I will not engage with those that slander me. I will shield my children from harmful people and provide safe space for them to grow into clarity of their own value. I can give time and space for others to reflect and come back to me. I can release myself to allow others to own what is theirs and only own what is between me and my Maker. I can extend myself to those who are open to what I have to offer in relationship. I can stand firm in what I believe and let you stand firm in yours , even if that means I will stand without you. I can forgive and let go the repentent and the unrepented. I can set boundaries on how much of my soul I will share and in doing so love,cherish and protect myself. I will give of myself what I am freely willing to part with and I won't resent you for taking what I gave. Through all this I can put on Love - Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. May 2024 be a year where I walk in Love with the kind of boundaries it takes to truly live out its truth.